Arogya Mary Matha Association (AMMA) is the leading NGO for under privileged children in the capital region of our Andhra Pradesh state. We are a legally registered government recognized, non-profit, non political, secular, public charitable association not affiliated with any religion, caste or political party. AMM Association provides comprehensive aid and care to disadvantaged children, boys and girls, of all ages and academic levels on both a residential and non residential basis. Such aid and care includes food clothing, shelter, personal supplies medical care, education, education supplies, and initial job placement assistance.

Arogya Mary Matha Association is running residential and non – residential children’s aid projects from our centre in Andhra Pradesh, India. We are fully supported by a very large, and ever-growing, number of compassionate and generous people in Andhra Pradesh/Telangana, in India, and around the world.

The immediate aim is to enable the children to pursue and complete their educations to as high a level as they desire, and are capable of achieve very good occupations including professions, become fully self reliant, and become beneficial members of the society and country.

Arogya Mary Matha Association was founded and is being administrated by a very reputable board of trustees coming from various professions and sections of society. Being completely unrelated to each other they came together only for the sole purpose of helping poor and needy children. The organization was officially registered on 07/11/1998.

Safety precautions to children

The purpose built Don Bosco Boarding Home provides a home, security and hope to children that would otherwise face many struggles in their young lives.

Assistance to covid-19 pandemic

There is always more we can do to help the children and their families in need. Upkeep of the Boarding School or larger projects or outreach work.

Support Us

With the support of UK based sponsors, benefactors and donations, St Mary’s Trust owns it own land and boarding home.