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Future Plans and Projects


There is always more we can do to help the children and their families in need, both large and small. Sometimes it may be as simple as the upkeep of the Boarding School and other times larger projects or outreach work.

Boys Toilets: Work is being carried to refurbish the boys toilet block at the school. The current building will under go a complete refit. Tiled throughout, new privacy screens, urinals and hand wash facilities.

SMC School

New Windows: When some of the original buildings were built, windows were not installed choosing instead to go with mesh or bars for safely but also to allow the air to blow through to keep the rooms cooler. During the rainy season this doesn’t work so well and we we now feel that sliding windows would be much better that can be closed during the wet season. Prices for being gathered and considered as a future project.

SMC School

Medical Centre: The land next to the school became available and SMC has purchased it at a very reasonable price with future plans to provide a small medical centre for families in the surrounding villages. Children receive free medical care provided by the government but we are very aware that due to the remoteness of the villages, many adults do not receive any care and are often left untreated. It is our hope that we may be able to bridge this gap.

SMC School

Boundary Wall: The Boarding Home and School in nestled within farm land. To improve safely and to keep unwanted animals and snakes at bay we would like in time to have a wall built around the site. We are currently getting quotes from local builders and will be discussing with the Board of Trustees the possibilities.

SMC School

School Benches: We have plans to replace some of the current benches the children are using with new ones and to provide extra seating when required.

SMC School